Sunday 21 April 2013

My Film Certificate

I have decided that 15 would be the most suitable age rating for my film. I believe that the Horror genre is most popular with this age and upwards, however there are negatives to this rating, by making the film a 15 I'm restricted with the amount of gory - bloody goodness I can use, this "gory- bloody goodness" is what makes Horror lovers go out and spend there "hard earned bucks" at the cinemas.  The 15 rating will also mean that I will be restricted on the amount and severity of bad language that I can use. Even though there are many negative factors of making a horror film a 15 rather than an 18, I still believe it's the right thing to do, as cutting out those vital few years will neglect the majority of fans from the Horror genre, which would result in loss of potential revenue. The age rating 12a would be out of the question, as it would mean i'd have to cut out most of the conventions that make a horror, a horror, although I would be broadening the number of people and potential cinema goers, it would mean that many Horror fans would be unhappy and as a result the film would be unsuccessful.

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