Saturday 4 May 2013

Magazine Evaluation

Magazine cover

The final media product I produced was a fictional magazine cover, based around real magazines who would publish reviews about my "soon to be released film". I started my research by looking at several existing film publications and writing information about each one, this was helpful as it showed me what things are included on all magazine covers and what aspects are suited to different types of magazine e.g. mainstream and independent. I decided that a mainstream magazine would be best suited to my film I looked more specifically at mainstream magazines and identified there conventions. after deciding that my magazine was to be mainstream I compiled a list of potential names with an explanation next to each describing why they were suitable options. I felt it would be best to get a third person perspective on the magazine name so I asked 50 people what magazine name sounded best out of my the options, and the results showed in favour of the name "Movie".

For inspiration on mastheads I looked at mast heads from Empire and Total film, I chose these two magazines because I had decided hat my film was to be mainstream, and therefore would be likely to appear on a mainstream styled magazine. Below are mastheads from both these magazines.

I noticed that alot of these magazines I was looking at had there mastheads covered by central images, therefore I came to a decision that my magazine will have this attribute aswell. Another aspect I noticed was that both magazines had the price and edition number located close to the masthead, I also incorporated this into my magazine cover. Below is a screen shot of the mast head on my magazine cover.

Banners and Cover lines
Researching other magazines it came to my attention that they all included banners and cover lines, consequently I included these conventions into my own magazine cover. Below are examples of existing mainstream film magazine banners and cover lines.

Below is one of my cover lines and a banner from my finished magazine cover, While looking at other cover lines I noticed that alot of them used multiple colours, I incorporated this into my cover lines, by using Black, Red and White colours. I also noticed that many covers included circular banners, so I included this aspect aswell.

Extra Content/ Plus Content
Nearly all of the mainstream magazines I researched included the word plus or the symbol: +. They also all included references to extra content included in the particular issues. Below are examples of these conventions from Total Film and Empire magazine.

Having understood the conventions, I included them into my very own magazine cover, below are some screenshots of the extra contant and plus content on my finished magazine cover.

Here is my the final product: Move magazine, in it's great entirety.

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